application letter part 2

 Hii Everyone!! Today I will explain you about Application Letter part 2

The Meaning of the Function of a Application Letter Below are: 

1. As written evidence for submitting application letter.

Through this application letter, applications write their identity directly, and attachments in the form of a diploma as proof of having graduated from school, photocopy of ID card, photo, and curriculum vitae. In addition, the signature is a form of the author's responsibility for what he wrote. 

2. As a medium or means of communication

In the application letter there are several attachments, such as ID cards, recent diplomas, work experience, and others. The recipient of the application will clearly know the identity of the applicant, latest diploma, and work experience from the application letter given by the applicant to the company through its representative. 

3. As a consideration for job acceptance

In general, companies that require new employees with positions that are quite important in certain agencies or companies have a lot of considerations and even tests are carried out strictly to hire more qualified prospective employees.

Characteristics of a Job Application Letter:

1. Place and Date 

The place and date are placed in the upper right corner without a dot at the end, because they are not sentences. 

Example: Bumiayu, August 28, 2013

2. Attachment and Date

The words 'Attachment' and 'subject' are not abbreviated like lamp. or thing. Numbers in the column are written using letters. 

Example : Attachment : Four sheets

                         Subject : Notice

3. Mailing Address 

Do not use the word "to" Address recommended no more than three lines Position may not use gender such as father or mother The inscription "The road at the address should not be abbreviated" Do not use a dot at the end of each line

Example : Dear. Independent Success Manager Jalan M. Yamin No. 02, Kalibata Jakarta 

4. Greetings 

After the word “Sincerely” use a comma Words with changes should be combined with the next sentence, line replacements as usual can also be used. 

Example : Sincerely, based on . . . . . . . . . . (which is more recommended) Yours faithfully, 

Based on . . . . . . . . . . (still usable) 

5. Opening Paragraph 

In the paragraph it is better to use language and be polite and make good agencies not do it. 

6. Contents

 In the contents there are:

 - Identity 

Namely information in the form of name, place of birth date, address, last education and can be added again according to need. In writing the description above, the word prefix does not use capital letters. 

Example : Name : Nitriana Safitri 

Place of birth : Jakarta, January 7, 1995 

Last Education : S1 English Literature

Address : Dukuhturi, Bumiayu, Brebes, 52273

  • Purpose and Objectives

 The following is a description of the reason for the sender or the job of writing the letter.

  • Declare ttachment

In application there are several requirements that are requested by the agency that requires workers, then the applicant must meet the requested requirements. In this appendix, each sentence ends with a colon, and at the end of the appendix, a period is used. 


a. Photocopy of diploma that has been legalized

b. Photocopy of identity card

 c. Two sheets of 3x4 photos. 

7. Cover 

In closing, we must show our enthusiasm in applying for jobs at the agency we are aiming for. 

Example : Such is the job application letter that I made, I really hope to be part of the company. . . . . . . . . 

8. Signature and full name

This signature is in the lower right corner of the letter, then below is written the full name. 

Example : Sincerely,
